Being a mother of three beautiful daughters, it still boggles my mind to know that I am also the mother of two very handsome sons!
When did this happen?
Along those same lines...when did Christmas happen?
A favorite tradition of ours is taking the kids to The Dollar Store to play Secret Santa for one another. This year they had a blast picking out their gifts, and oh what a time they had concealing their purchases from one another (they are all notoriously NOSY)!
But lo and behold, Christmas came and went and we remembered two days after the fact that yet more was to be given! Luckily, we Elmers are always up for still more surprises and this gave us the perfect opportunity to have more fun together.
By the way, I know your curious.
This year they surprised Dad with a level (it works great!), and mom was the proud recipient of a bag of Pixie Stix (my favorite!).