Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentine's Traditions: Part IV

Early Kiddie Dinner & Super-fun Dessert!

I think we've actually gone out to eat on Valentine's Day as a couple only once. It was at Black Angus, and all I remember is that it was PACKED! Since then, we've opted to stay in for the evening.

We start by making dessert:
Chocolate Dipped Strawberries.
They are so easy-just melted chocolate chips and a smidge of shortening!-and the kids love dipping and decorating them with assorted sprinkles.

By the time we finish with a fun and easy kid dinner (usually hot dogs, corn dogs, or chicken nuggets), the chocolate has set and everyone is ready for dessert!

We find that placing them on wax paper works best, and to set them more quickly you can place them in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

These also make super-impressive gifts too!
Happy Dipping!


Shan B. said...

Seriously Olivia...is there anything that you don't do??? I'm hoping you'll rub off on me. You are so cute.

2KT Faupula girls said...

Your an awesome Mommy!

Melissa said...

What a fun mommy you are! : ) I need to get back into the grove of doing fun things for the kids more often. Miss you!

Laurie said...

You are such a good mom!