Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Traditions: The Oakland Temple

If you have never visited the Oakland Temple at Christmas you should drop everything and go NOW!
 We love the Oakland Temple-it's where our family was established!-and when the Christmas lights start to light up the neighborhood we know it's time to head back to where it all began for a spectacular light display.
 In addition to seeing the beautiful lights and displays, there are fantastic programs running continuously.
Like Samuel's beasty chest hair?  Just kidding, it's the faux fur from my hood. 
Or is it?
The kids couldn't resist touching the icy water!
 Owen all decked out in his froggy beanie.
 All smiles...
 Bundled up!
 Gorgeous poppies thriving in the cold!
 So California!
 I LOVE this temple!  It's absolutely stunning!
 Walking the rooftop gardens and checking out the beautiful city views.
 Seven is heaven...yup!  Cheesy!

Me and my babies in the warm Visitor Center...Owen wandered away.

How can you see Christs arms open to you and NOT want to come unto him?

 Temples are amazing places, and there is a spirit there that is unlike any other.  What a blessing it is to have the Sacramento Temple so near, and to be able to take our families at the drop of a hat to walk that sacred and holy ground and to remember...

Families are forever.

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