Sunday, April 10, 2011

I Heart Thai!

If you have not tried Thai food you have not lived!

My favorite place,
Thai Chili in Rocklin.

Yes, it's true they work at a snail's place,
but if you have the time,
dine at the restaurant-it's beautiful but plan to stay awhile.

If you need to get out in a hurry,
order some take-out and arrive 15 minutes later
than the suggested pick-up time!

Some great things to try...

Panaang Curry with Chicken (yummy-spicy...)
Black Rice (so, so good...)
Spring Rolls (addictive...)

And after an "at-home" date night of take-out,
I couldn't resist making spring rolls for
the whole family the next day!

I'll post the recipe on my foodie blog soon,
but here it is...

H E A V E N  O N  A  P L A T E !

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