Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Kings: Do You Love Us or Hate Us?

I ask because I love my sister and her family,
which is why I can't understand why
they got our family a gift certificate to
Incredible John's for Christmas!

Samuel and I said:

"N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O !"

The kids said:

" Y E S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S!"

Let me explain our adverse reaction...

Samuel and I stepped inside once to
buy a gift certificate for someone else,
and when we got a peek at what it was all about...

[ Basically, it's a Chuckie Cheese on steroids... ]

...we vowed we would never
step foot in there again!

{ Guess again...}

Like I said,
from the beginning the kids were...
O V E R  T H E  M O O N !

And granted,
it was a GREAT family outing,
especially on a rainy Christmas-break day.

I mean,
think about it.

Where else can you ride on the bumper cars,
dine in an honest to goodness lodge,
and eat Spicy Peanut Butter or
Mac & Cheese Pizza?

Bowling was a huge hit...

And as you can probably tell,
Iris was bowling like a 300...


T H A N K  Y O U  K I N G  F A M I L Y !

We love you too!

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