Friday, January 28, 2011

Father-Daughter & Mother-Son Dates: Spaghetti vs. Thai

Our elementary school hosts an
Annual Father & Daughter Dance,
and this year was the first year that all our daughters could attend!

we couldn't make it.


So to make up for missing out,
we created special invites for both the girls AND boys
inviting them to spend an evening with mom & dad.

The girls were delighted to receive THIS invitation
which instructed them to dress in semi-formal attire for this
"grand occasion"
which included dinner & the theater.

Look at all my pretty faces! 

That's more like it!

Owen was convinced his invite would be better,
and of course,
when we opened the front door,
there it was waiting for him!

{truth be told}

With all the excitement of getting the girls ready for their date.
I had forgotten to create the boys invite!

When Owen started peeking out the window,
I quickly realized he was waiting for his "special delivery".

he's easily distracted,
giving me a few minutes to steal some time
on the computer to print one out!

definitely less inclined to be impressed
with something as non-edible as a formal invite.



Now I'm speaking his language!

My sweet, sweet boy.

Just like on real dates,
things can start out so well...

...and then take a nose dive!


My date landed himself on time-out!

If I didn't already know him,
this would have made a horrible first impression!

Lucky for me,
he straightened up,
and a good thing too!

It's time to eat!

While Samuel opted for the menu-friendly Spaghetti Factory,
we went for a noodle of a different sort:

Pad Thai!


An absolute favorite with these two.

we need to work on our date-worthy dining skills...

Thank goodness we've got time to practice.

The question is:

How did Samuel fare with his noodles?


Friday, January 21, 2011

The Ballfield

Taking advantage of the sunny weather,
Samuel's day off,
and having legs,
we hit the bikes hard
and pedaled like mad to the library.

My favorite part of the afternoon,
aside from watching Iris moping in the outfield,
and Owen pitching the ball,
was seeing the boys clamber around the bleachers.

They're both growing so fast,
and it's amazing to see their friendship and
brotherhood strengthen,
even now,
as just kids.

I'm grateful they have each other,
just as I'm grateful my daughters have one another too.

This family thing...

it's pretty amazing.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Goal: One Post Per Day

I am daunted by the fact that we're in a new year and
I have gobs and gobs of blog posts to catch up on! 

I really do enjoy chronicling our adventures,
but it just reached a point where the living
outpaced the documenting and,
here we are...
months and months later!

The goal steps.

One post per day. 

I think I can manage that,
so we'll see what happens!