Showing posts with label Congratulations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Congratulations. Show all posts

Friday, May 7, 2010

Reading Rewards & Stomach Cramps!

Each of my beautiful daughters was awarded a dinner certificate for reading at a local restaurant.  They were super-proud of their accomplishment, and it was fun to take them out for a night on the town!

The upside:
We always have a great time together. 
Tonight was no different.

Also, the signature monster chocolate cake was a hit with the kids. 
Who wouldn't love 7-layers of incredible yummy goodness?

The downsides:
Owen decided that now was the time to
 launch crayons way high up in the sky during dinner.


He never does that!


And then, an hour after leaving, Samuel became super, super sick.

He vowed never to order fish from a restaurant again!

All in all, it was a typical night for the Samuel Elmers:

There's the good, the bad, and the UGLY!

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Samuel might though.


Friday, April 30, 2010

Dr. Heartthrob is in the House!

Okay, we'll Joe isn't a doctor,
but he is officially a NURSE!


We couldn't be happier!

Here's my brother-in-law with his saint-of-a-wife Jessica.
This accomplishment really was a united effort,
and together they made this happen.

The heartthrob reference comes from his days as a youth when he was voted hottest guy in his stake.  Jessica was basically the only girl who DIDN'T swoon all over him, and of course, that's who he married!

Now that the party's over,
roll up those sleeves,
slap on those gloves,
and tell someone to bend over!

The Samuel Elmers