Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A "Wicked" Birthday

My mother-in-law, Clista, will be mortified by this post.


Let me start by saying that I am so blessed to have wonderful in-laws.

They love their children so much,
and their hearts are so full,
that each and every in-law really is like a child to them too.

It's easy to spend time with them,
and even more fun,
to think of ways to surprise them...

for example,

...a birthday.

Samuel has 5 brothers and sisters,
and typically we pool our money together
and spring for one big thing.

This year, Samuel and I had the best idea (or so we thought!):

Tickets to see
in San Francisco!

Needless to say,
though we know they would have loved to see the show,
traveling to S.F. just didn't work out.


So what to do...

they managed to give the tickets away and
purchased tickets to a show in-town.

They enjoyed a wonderful dinner too,
and had a great, great time.

And that,
is what matters most!


Happy, happy birthday!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ava Grace is 7!

There's is something about this girl.

She's about the closest thing there is to being like me-
which probably isn't a good thing!

Samuel says we both have huge brown eyes,
are EXTREMELY emotional,
"Stubborn" is actually our middle name,
and we
love, love, love
to play!
We were blessed to celebrate Ava's birthday with family,
and here's a glimpse of the celebrating...

Ava (7) & Abby (9)
on Birthday Sunday
at Grandma Clista's house.

Alien cupcakes!

The "Eye".

May your wishes come true, you two!

At home,
Ava tried to get away with being ten!

Come clean, girl!

Ava's grown so much,
so she was in desperate need of some new...


We love you, Ava!  

Ava and Samuel flashing number 7 again
at her party with the
Ramos, Lopez, & King families!

7 still going strong!

Ava & her sweetheart of a cousin, Taylor Marie.

The goods.

Happy Birthday, darlin'!

You are a joy to this family,
and life would not be the same without you!

Keep up the good work with your math facts,
your hair IS growing,
very, very soon,
you'll be eight!

But don't forget to 
enjoy every single second of being seven!

We love you, girl.

Mom & Dad

Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy First Birthday, Gabriel!

Little man.

Moose Munch.



no matter what your nickname,
you are everything and more to us!

Happy First Birthday, Gabriel!

We had a great time celebrating with cousins, Taylor & Lola.

And of course,
with all the grandmas!

 We feasted on classic kid-fare:

Hot dogs & Potato chips

And for the grown-ups:

Spicy Polish Dogs
with mustard,
fresh sliced-tomatoes,
and crisp Kosher Dills!

The birthday boy had other ideas about what tasted good...

...and was delighted by the whole present-opening experience!

The cake was another story...

...but in the end that won him over too!

One is king!

Happy Birthday, son!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Night Before One

Where did the time go?

On the eve of Gabriel's first birthday
I took him into the front yard to look at the stars.

This little guy is so special to our family,
and I needed that quiet moment to savor his baby-i-ness.

He indulged me for approximately 3 seconds!

Thank you, son!

For letting me hold you,
love you,
and of course,
the awesome priveledge
of being your mom!

I am so very grateful.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Owen: The Big Three!

Owen, it wasn't that long ago...

...that we were very, very close!


You were unhappy at first to be so rudely extracted...

...but with a bath, warm jammies, & a blanket,
you settled down quickly.

Little did you know that you didn't have just one momma,
but four!

You were a blessing to your family...

...especially to Great-grandpa Lopez.

Ava soon learned that life is different with a boy around...

...and Isabella thought is was a good idea to give you a name tag.

You looked just like your dad, son...

...but I loved you just the same!

You got busy growing...

...became a Dodger fan...


...and developed a profound hatred for snow!

You figured out you looked darn cute in a tutu...

...and found solace in the absence of your sisters
while they were away at school!

This year you started pre-school...

...and immediately got right to work!

You experienced heartaches...

...and don't forget: 


And above all else,

you found an incredible...



Happy 3rd Birthday, son!

Of course,
there will still be owies...

But with awesome Spiderman jammies...


...and faith...

You're life will continue to unfold in a beautiful, beautiful way!

All my love, sweetheart!

