Showing posts with label Dates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dates. Show all posts

Saturday, July 18, 2009

12 Kids and Counting...

Samuel and I had the pleasure of hosting our rambunctious nieces and nephews for our monthly date night.

And though the weather was hot,
the water was not!

(Like my rhyme?)

And we drenched the kids in it!

We don't have a pool, but they soon improvised...

Gabriel didn't know what to make of all the screaming. I'm just glad all the neighbors were clammed up in their homes with their windows tightly shut and the air conditioning on full blast. They were oblivious to the mayhem!

Samuel almost killed himself blowing up our sprinkler beach ball! Thanks honey!

Mischievous Messy Meghan!

I was able to escape for a few minutes...

to prepare the feast!

Do you think they need to wash their hands before eating?

How about a good hose down instead?

To be a kid again...

As night fell and the temperature began to dip, we took the kids to Mahaney Park.

We thought we'd have the place to ourselves since technically the park closed at sundown, but within minutes family after family poured in eager to let their kids burn some energy.

Finally parents came a callin' and we headed home.

Samuel and I were exhausted! But we're so looking forward to three months of dates before our turn rolls around again!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Harry Potter & The Half-blood Prince

Quite a few years back we began an Elmer family tradition called the "Annual Trip to the Movies". It's so much fun to get the extended family together for that "must-see" film.

This year we saw, "Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince".

Though I thought the movie could have been a bit better...

I never regret an evening out with my sweetheart!

Should we have a bit of snogging, eh?