Thursday, September 10, 2009

Back to School Night

Back to School Night is generally a lot of explaining of things already outlined in the mounds of paperwork the teachers give you.  I'm not complaining, it's just that when you're alone with five children you tend to want to move things along.
As I suspected, Owen lasted through one presentation and only 5 minutes of the other... out we went to play!
There was a lot of monkeying around...
...and it was a fun way to kick off the new school year!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bath Time

When they're not slapping each other silly they do have an enjoyable time...

Belly Time!

We always loath the doctors advice to place our babies on their bellies to strengthen their back and neck.  It's not that we disagree with their advice, our kids just hate to do it and ALWAYS cry!
Except for Gabriel.
He squirms for two seconds and-boom!-he's out like a light!  He may not be working his muscles but at least he's catching some ZZZ's!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Donuts

We spent Labor Day morning munching on donuts with my family.
Gabriel with Grandpa Jose' and Grandma Rose.  Gabriel looks so much like my dad, especially when you compare baby pictures.
Owen playing ball with Grandpa.
 Gabriel can only lay there and watch!
But he was able to get in some Grandpa time too.
It was a great way to start off the holiday.
Very easy, very slow...
like we had all the time in the world!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Gabriel Dodge

You are an absolute delight my son.
And I love you with all of my heart. 

What a privilege! 
What a blessing!  
What an honor to be your mother!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Scooter

We visited Grandma after her foot surgery and the kids were delighted to find...
her roaring around on a scooter!

She doing much better now, and we are grateful for it.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


To say I needed a night off in the kitchen would be an understatement! 
Luckily, the kids couldn't have been happier.  

Later, we visited Dad's work.

Each member of this family is so precious... 

...priceless, really.

Monday, August 31, 2009

FHE: Otter Pops & Bug Killers

This post-title is pretty self-explanatory.

We enjoyed icy otter-pops...

and then killed bugs!

Gross, right?

But very rewarding...

Especially when you consider what they did to our plants!

Note:  At first it was traumatic for kids who've been taught that caterpillars turn into butterflies.  After all, who would dare kill a butterfly?

Answer:  We would!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Christmas in August?

Isabella made this awesome snowman from play dough!

Are you ready for the holidays, or what?

Garage Sailin'

On this particular Saturday a bunch of crazy girls from the ward gathered at the crack of dawn to head in to Rocklin for their annual community garage sale!  

We all scored tons of deals and I even came away with a 20" bike for Isabella for only $4.00!

Thanks for the great time girls!