Sunday, October 30, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Our Ward Halloween Party

I loved the down-home feel of our
Ward Halloween Party!

It was very casual
with classic games
and timeless chili and dogs!


the wicked witch playing,
"Whack the Deacon"!

Little Red Riding Hood!

true to her pajama-zombie self
followed by a knife-wielding Robin Hood!

Let the sugar rush begin!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Pumpkin Patch: Round II

Since my cousin was in town from Louisiana
we hit the patch again!

Good thing too or we would have missed
the newborn piggies!

Let the patch madness begin...

My beautiful cousin, Devan,
and her two sons.

My other beautiful cousin, Nicole,
and her sweet son!

We had the best time ever
and utterly pumpkined out!

What a great night,
and so, so much fun
catching up with family!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Happpy Thanksgiving from the Lopez Clan!

Grandma Lopez and her great grandbabies
(from her lap clockwise :) :
Nicolas, Jacob, Iris, Cache, Isabella,
Gabriel, Owen, Lola, Taylor, &

 The grandkids!


H A P P Y  T H A N K S G I V I N G !

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Finally: A Corn Maze!

Sounds silly,
but I've always wanted to do a corn maze.

I think it hearkens back to when I was in
elementary school,
and then probably middle school,
when I'd get invited to go with my friends families
and my mom would always say "no!".


Here I go, mom!

{And yes, she was still worried even though I'm plus 30!}

the anticipation...

My guide!

Who wanted to go slow and consult the map at every step!

I left him in the dust and he
had no choice but to abandon his map and follow!

He he!

Corn Maze Champions!

We made it out in record time,
and even dove back in for another go around!

Good, good times!

When we went to pick up the kids,
this is what we found!

H A P P Y  H A L L O W E E N !