Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

This year we stayed at home
for Halloween
and again,
taking full advantage of my cousin being in town,
were joined by my
cousins and their families too!

We enjoyed homemade pizza and
finalized costume details before heading out the door!

Is it just me or does Superman look tipsy?

Gabriel's reaction to the whole trick or treating thing
was really funny.

He wasn't scared,
but definitely cautious and maybe even

he, like most children,
got over "it" quick.

Free candy is a great incentive for anything!

After all the Halloween Hoop-la,
we were exhausted!

It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving and
Christmas are next!

We can't complain though,
these are memories that will last forever!

H A P P Y  C A N D Y - E A T I N G !

I thought I would note that Owen was
thoroughly disgusted with the bowls set out
with a little sign asking everyone to, "Please take one."

He wanted so badly to knock on each door
and announce, "Trick or Treat!"

Without that,
what was the point?


Particularly chocolate!

That's always the point, Owen!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Our Ward Halloween Party

I loved the down-home feel of our
Ward Halloween Party!

It was very casual
with classic games
and timeless chili and dogs!


the wicked witch playing,
"Whack the Deacon"!

Little Red Riding Hood!

true to her pajama-zombie self
followed by a knife-wielding Robin Hood!

Let the sugar rush begin!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Pumpkin Patch: Round II

Since my cousin was in town from Louisiana
we hit the patch again!

Good thing too or we would have missed
the newborn piggies!

Let the patch madness begin...

My beautiful cousin, Devan,
and her two sons.

My other beautiful cousin, Nicole,
and her sweet son!

We had the best time ever
and utterly pumpkined out!

What a great night,
and so, so much fun
catching up with family!