Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

2010 Bishop's Pumpkin Farm

It's pumpkin time!!!

Truly one of our favorite times of the year.

Actually, Samuel and I aren't huge fans of Halloween per se,
but if we're talking about the season of the year,
that's a whole different story.

whatever you call it,
it's magical!

Not only does the weather change,
but all those ovens start to click on,
warm, oozy-goozy smells waft through the house,
the wool socks come out of the drawers to toast little toesies,
and everyone can finally snuggle under down blankets with
warm cinnamon cocoa!

H E A V E N !

Yet another sign that Summer is out-of-here,
is our annual visit to the pumpkin farm.

This year, we were able to get everyone out,
including Aunt Patti's family!

We visited all the favorite hot spots,
including a ride on the rails,
a run on the tires,
and stint in the jailhouse.

After exhausting the kids,
and all the grown-ups,
we hit Round Table because as everyone knows:

Pizza and pumpkins-
they just go together!


We also has a special occasion to commorate:

Uncle Nathan's 35th Birthday!

H A P P Y  B I R T H D A Y !


It was a super-fun day and
we already can't wait for next year!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas is Peppermint Hot Chocolate

Nothing beats hot chocolate on these cold chilly nights, but in December it's just natural to throw in a candy cane for some added holiday cheer! 

The kids love it, ironically Samuel and I hate it, but what to do?
It's Christmas!

The hanging of the wreath-which officially obscures my view out the peephole!

My girls pausing for some refreshment.
Mom moving all the ornaments around after the kids attacked the tree...
My son Owen and his crazy whipped cream mustache.  The kid loves the stuff and when he hears the can squirting he comes running with his mouth wide open!
Gabriel Dodge, getting ready to experience his very first Christmas, and liking it very much!
I love Christmas!  I am so grateful for my Savior, and for this opportunity to celebrate his birth.  It truly is an opportunity for families to draw close together to reflect on his life, his ministry, and his sacrifice in our behalf.

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

This year we lined our walk with pumpkins.  My favorite part of carving them is getting all those yummy seeds out to toast!
My girls!
Ava and Isabella with their cousin, Abby!
Lennon and Jacob looking pretty scary!
A sweet kitty and a ghost!

Did you ever meet Sam's twin sister?
My sister-in-law Red and her sweet baby girl Miss V.
All wrapped up!
Aunt Leah, aka Pirate Booty, escorting the kids on their walk!
Later we stopped by my parents house and visited for a bit.
Grandma Lopez all decked out in her Halloween earrings!

It's neat to see Grandma telling stories to the great-grand kids.
Happy Halloween!
We hope you had a great time too!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ward Halloween Spooktacular!

Our Ward Activities Committee put on a fantastic Halloween event!  This year Bella went as Mulan, Ava a zombie, Iris a princess fairy, and Owen went as either Diego or a fisherman (depending on who you ask!).
Everywhere you turned there was something fun going on!
Who doesn't love a donut on a string?

The best part of the evening came later during the Trunk or Treat.  Our kids love hitting each car one right after another-it's a candy bonanza!-so much so that it spoils them for the real thing when they actually have to walk from house to house!


Happy Halloween everyone!