Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Call Do-over!

Well the first day of school came and went in a blur. As I waited for them to come home later that day, I felt a twinge of guilt for how things transpired. A hearty back-to-school breakfast? No, try a hastily poured bowl of cereal! Love notes in their lunch boxes? They were lucky to get a sandwich! The traditional first-day photos in the front yard with their new school duds? How about a quick kiss and a "Don't be late!".

Absolutely horrible, right?

So in my determination to make things right, I call an official:


There were eggs...


and yes, even chocolate milk!

We had our front-yard photo shoot-when did they get so big?-and they carried lunches with not only love notes, but love bites in each of their sandwiches!

I am so grateful for wonderful kids who love their mama despite her shortcomings. What a blessing they are to me.