Showing posts with label Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Park. Show all posts

Monday, April 11, 2011

Free Entertainment for the Dog-less & Baseball-less!

To the chagrin of the kids,
Samuel and I are proud members of the
"No Pets, Club".

Thank goodness for the dog park,
which is crawling with...
well, dogs!

After Gabriel got his fix,

{ Right now he's fascinated with dogs!}

we headed to the ballpark for a picnic on the bleachers.

Gabriel loves dogs,
Owen loves baseball...

And we even spotted some kids from church
all suited up and throwing the ball around!


It was a super-fun
evening at the park(s)!

Except now they want dogs again...


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tres Hermanas

I love getting together with my sisters,
and unfortunately,
it's not often enough.

with the leisure of summer,
there's a little more flexibility in the schedule
for getting together.

we traveled to Marysville for
a little fun in the sun!

{I love how Ava begins and ends this journey...}

 We ate some snacks on the lawn before we hit the water...

Ava & Taylor

We took a break for lunch...

...and Taylor made me laugh!

I was teasing her for having sleepy eyes... she obliged me with opening up those beautiful peepers!

{How do I have blond-haired and blue-eyed nieces?!?}

Owen's up on his water consumption!

And Gabriel's down with keeping the bod protected from the sun!

{Such health-conscious boys!}

Now we just have to work on keeping your food IN your mouth...

Beautiful girls:

Isabella and my younger sister,
Julia Maria Sabrina!

Gabe's a total baby about getting in the water.

When it was almost time to go,
that's when he wanted to
mosey on over to the water.

Water-fun was short-lived.

This boy thrives on a different kind of liquid...

We had a great time, Sophia!

Thanks for having us out,
and we definitely need to do this again!

{Sweet dreams, Ava!}

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Park Days

This morning was a nice get-together at the park with several sisters from the ward.

In the summer, we don't usually make it out to the park until twilight. 

Trying to beat the heat means getting everyone
out the door a little too early! 

But when we do get out, it's nice getting a jump on the day.

The kids had a blast playing in the volleyball pit...

Gabriel loved feeling the grass...

And Owen pouted when it was time to go!

Which means it was a very successful park day!

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Bubble Lady & A Sizzling Day at the Park

All I can say is...

she's real.

And the fact that The Bubble Lady visits the library free
for their Summer Reading Program is a total steal! 

The bubbles did not disappoint...

...though, granted, some were less impressed than others.

But you have to admit...

...for the most part,
this is pretty impressive.

There's only one way to top the Bubble Lady, and that is..., not pretzels...

...the PARK!

Judging from the red cheeks,
it was a very, very warm day!

But there are lots of smiles too so it was worth it!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

We're Outta Here!

No joke.

San Francisco is this families favorite place to go. 

Whether it's for a romantic getaway
or for a family affair,
and I mean,
always has the
time of their lives!

So what better way to celebrate
the end-of-the-school year,
than a
pick-you-up-on-the-last-day-throw-you-in-the-car-and-away-we-go trip?

I tell you,
there is no better way!

That, my friend, is the way to go!

We love day trips,
but nothing compares to an ol' fashioned overnighter!

The funky decor  met with Gabriel's approval.

We practiced taking some steps but it was a no-go for a solo.

First stop:  Chinatown.

Isabella was all smiles until we saw three police cars zoom by, sirens blaring.  Then she, and we, were anxious to get off the street!

What better place to take refuge than a chinese restaurant? 

We were on the hunt for someplace good,
asking people on the street for recommendations,
when this woman and her son beckoned us into her restuarant. 
She told us we would't be disappointed and she proved right!

The kids fell in love with the giant aquarium,
and though we stayed away from ordering the seafood,
it was fun to look at.

What a feast!

With full tummies we changed into jammies and snuggled in for the night.

What peace!

If only for the crazies who went nuts jumping on the bed!

No, Ava didn't knock a tooth out jumping on the bed,
but a tooth she did lose and to her astonishment the tooth fairy came the very next day!

That fairy is amazing finding us even though we were so far from home!

Congrats Ava!

If our hotel doesn't include a continental breakfast
I always bring something along that's quick, easy, and delicious! 

In this case, buttery crossaints, powdered donuts, and hot chocolate. 


Though the weather was brisk,
since the sun was out,
the hotel pool was fair game. 

The kids would have been terribly disappointed if we said no,
and since we're all a family of fish,
into the water we went!

Well, all with the exception of Gabriel,
who made it pretty clear he was going nowhere near the water.

Samuel and the girls. 

They can't get enough of him launching them into the water. 
Now that they're more comfortable swimming,
there's alot more horsing around in the pool!

Gabriel in his L.A. close-up.

Despite his father's pleas, Owen was also reluctant.

He's more a less a crabby lizard
who prefers to scowl as he bathes under the warmth of the son.

I love you, Owen!

There goes my boy!

Back in the hotel I stole a kiss...

And Samuel readied us for the day ahead.

We had some stragglers though,
we will NOT name names,
who took their sweet time and hindered us from getting as early a start as we would like...

It's okay,
we're all familiar with the saying:

"When you've got to go..."

Finally we hit the Ferry Market Building,
where for only $5.00 you can valet park your car for an hour.

That's a steal when you consider how many places you can visit in such a short time!

We love the sculptural water piece across from the Ferry Market Building.

It is a magical playground for the whole family to explore.

Now that we've worked up an appetite,
it's time to visit the Ferry Market Building.

So back across the street we go, "looking" both ways before we cross the street!

This is the home for all of our picnic lunch fixin's. 
I bring fruit, crackers, and cookies from home,
but we always buy our bread fresh from Acme... 

{Always a minimum of two loaves: 
One for immediate snacking; the other for lunch!}

...and indulge in a new-to-us cheese from the Cowgirl Creamery. 

This time I fell in love with the
Pimento Olive loaf and Niloufer's Creamy Panir. 

Sooo good!

What's more iconic than a visit to the Golden Gate Bridge?

I admit, I had ulterior motives steering the family here.

Samuel's terrified of the bridge,
and I thought it was high-time he got over it!

Omnimous, isn't it? 

I can't believe it: 
He is genuinely freaked out!

Owen held on to this rock for hours, and as much as we pestered him to throw it off the bridge, he refused.  Finally, as we turned to leave, the rascal threw it as hard as he could and away it went!

A magical, mystical tunnel from the old Fort days.

Next up: 
Golden Gate Park,
The Children's Playground

Water and sand features rock!

Owen's shorts would NOT stay up after they got wet. 
The poor boy has a hopeless plumbers crack!

This slide never, ever gets old.

Owen's favorite:
The Carousel

We love it too because it's dirt-cheap!

My boys are utterly exhausted.

Must mean it's time to hit the beach!

I love those baby toes!

Sheer happiness!

Gabriel cozy-ing up a bit.

Only in S.F.

And to top it all off, over the bridge we saw a what happens when you make a S.F. Police Officer really, really MAD!  This uncooperative vehicle got an earful-and so did we!-courtesy of a very effecive loudspeaker.   Lets just say we wouldn't trade shoes with those guys for the world!

Happy Summer Traveling!