Showing posts with label School. Show all posts
Showing posts with label School. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Can You Guess Where We Are?

If you guessed
Roller King
- my favorite place on earth ;) -
you are correct!

The girls were thrilled,
especially since their previous foray with
ice skating proved pretty successful.

Turns out,
without the helper buckets to push around on the ice,
ice skating would be pretty hard.

Guess what?

No buckets at the roller rink!
Which means these girls were going down

A L L  N I G H T  L O N G !

Nursing those bruises...

Ava thought she found an injury-free way to enjoy the evening!

Not so, little missy!

I didn't pay $6 bucks to have you stand around!

All in all we had a great time!

And by the end of the evening,
they were doing their fair share of gliding (hobbling) around the rink.

Good times, girls!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Taking Care of Business...

We tagged along for Samuel's
last class of the year because we were
all so excited that he was finally finished!

Three grueling weeknights at school,
not to mention countless hours spent doing homework,
was torture for our family!

The good news:

We can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Only two more semesters left,
which means soon Samuel won't be making
anymore heartbreaking goodbyes!

The perfect distraction?

Yellow Marshmallow Peeps!

After Easter I found three boxes,
all unopened,
and in a matter of seconds they were gone!

Samuel was amazed that I planned to tool around campus
with five kiddos.

No worries,
there's always something on hand to
explore, distract, or enterain!

Take for instance,
Gabriel's new best friend,
a dog!

I have got to get this girl into soccer!
She denies wanting to play but I know she'd be great!

We love you Samuel!

Thank you for working so hard on our behalf.

You're setting such a great example for our little ones,
and I know that the principles
of working hard
obtaining the hightest levels of education
are not lost on them.

This has been a major FAMILY effort and
we're so happy...

S C H O O L ' S  O U T 

F O R  T H E  S U M M E R !

Friday, April 15, 2011

Squeez-its & Grandparents Day Lunch

The Annual Grandparents Day Luncheon was something
ALL the girls looked forward to this year!

Aside from munching with Grandma,
the big highlight is all the fun lunch treats.

{ Iris & Grandma Lopez }

This year,
the kids went ga-ga over Squeez-its!

I remember when those debuted as a kid!
It was heart-breaking actually.
My mom refused to buy them!

With five kids,
the six-pack went quickly,
with all five splitting the last bottle!

No tears, though.

Just smiles!

Thank goodness!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Aren't You So Excited?"

That's the question the kids asked me, oh,
let's say a billion times today.


I T ' S  O P E N  H O U S E  T I M E !

So five kids in tow,
minus one husband,
plus one LARGE headache...
and off we went!

 What are 2nd graders up to these days?

In addition to silouhettes,
there are dinosaur dioramas,
Polar Bear reports, and...

Sunflower babies!


G A B R I E L  D O D G E

So what's up with the kinders?

Iris made for a great "Grouchy Lady Bug",
hatched baby chicks, and even planted radishes!

Now that you've got the 4-1-1 on the lower grades,
what about the big wigs?

The big bad fourth graders?

Bella's pulling out all the stops with
Diamante poems, California History,
and developing her short story skills!

Another BMOC sighting!

This one's the moody sort, a little,
too cool for school if you know what I mean...


What was the best part about Open House?

First, when Gabriel spread-eagled on the floor
of the classroom indicating,
quite bluntly,
that he was done with the tour,

{ Yea, Gabriel! }

but second...

The cat sighting on the way home,
which made my pet-deprived children go crazy!

H A P P Y  O P E N - H O U S I N G 

T O  Y O U  T O O !

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Peanut Butter Jelly Time, The Hand Jive, & The Purple People Eater

It's Dance Fever!

For weeks,
all three girls have been practicing for the
Starstruck Dance Performance at their elementary school.

On the big night,
we were fortunate to have grandparents in attendance...

Along with the usual suspects!

Ava was our PB & J girl!

Bella our Hand-Jive girl!

And Iris made for the sweetest Purple-People Eater!

The school staff ended the show with a super-funny dance
to "You Be Illin'",
with the Principal smack in the middle of it all
hip-hoppin' it out!

Later we caught some pictures with the girls teachers who
were still dressed up from the performance!

It was a great night of fun,
and yes,
to this day we are still all singing and dancing to the songs!

Way to go, girls!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Why Go To College? The Pizza, of course!

Samuel needed to take care of some business at school,
and being Family Home Evening,
it was the perfect opportunity for the kids
to check out Dad's school.

After we walked the campus,
we took to the trail and meandered
along some paths along the river.

What impressed them most?

All the on-campus fast-food restaurants!

Go figure.

But now they all really want to go to college!

Friday, October 29, 2010

A Fabulously Fabulous Thanksgiving Feast

Iris is at that wonderful care-free age where
everything about school is wonderful and exciting,
especially the holiday parties!

combined with the fact that it's just her personality to
naturally G U S H over everything,
and you have the perfect storm
for a super-smiley and
very happy little girl!

The Fall Activity was one such occasion,
the perfect excuse for smiling so hard your cheeks hurt!

She looked a-dorable in her pilgrim smock,
and though she refused to wear the hat,
she gladly sat down to the feast!

Thanksgiving Menu

Cornbread Muffins
Pumpkin Pie
Fresh Strawberries
Apple Juice


On the list of things I'm most grateful for,
you will always
-and I mean always
top my list!

I love you, baby girl!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Joy School Run

As I mentioned in an earlier post,
this was the first year that we've participated in
Joy School (think, pre-school) Co-op.

Owen was our guinea pig,
and after some initial trepidation he took
to it easily.

However Owen wasn't the only one being
thrown into the deep end of the pool,
I was too!

The Co-op portion meant that I would be responsible
for teaching approximately 6-7 classes,
organizing a class field trip and class party, and
assisting for an additional 6-7 classes for another teacher.

And all with Gabriel underfoot!


I'm tired already!

Looking back though,
the experience was really great.

The time really did fly by,
and it was fun having this barage of little ones
invade the house each week.

I read, or heard in a movie,
children referred to as,

I really liked the term,
and that's exactly how I'd describe these little guys!
But in a cute and endearing way,
of course!

Meet the gang!


Owen was camera shy at the moment.

My lesson theme focused on
"Bugs & Crawly Things".

It was a perfect subject for little ones,
and luckily the weather cooperated
for plenty of outdoor exploring.

It still amazes me how often we hit the jackpot
in finding all kinds of bugs in the backyard.

We lucked out by finding a huge grasshopper, praying mantis,
and fuzzy caterpillar.

I did help some things along,
like when I thought of the brilliant idea of purchasing live
ladybugs from Green Acres Nursery.

All was well
 while the little guys were contained and snoozing
in a deep sleep in the fridge,
but of course I just had to cut open their packaging
to move them to a netted bug container.

How was I supposed to know ladybugs can easily
squeeze through tiny netted holes?
And that the moment they're removed from the fridge,
they wake up and start moving around like crazy?

Long story short,
I had another brilliant idea
and just shoved the whole mess back into the fridge
hoping everyone would settle down again.

They did,
but for weeks we found ladybugs
in odd places all over the place
(the vegetable drawer, the ceiling, etc.-)!


Did I mention each package of ladybugs contains
1,800 of the little buggers?

Busy bees!

For our class field trip we visited
Bishop's Pumpkin Farm!

We were a little stretched on time,
but if you're looking for a fall experience,
you can't beat everything this place has to offer.

You can't go wrong with any holiday party,
but come on,
Halloween is right up every kids alley!

P A R T Y  I T I N E R A R Y

D E C O R A T E  S U G A R  C O O K I E S


P U M P K I N  G U T S  1 0 1

M U D  &  W O R M S  P U D D I N G  C U P S

M O V I E : 
T H E  G R E A T  P U M P K I N , C H A R L I E  B R O W N

as an assistant,
we visited the Utility Exploration Center
and the Universal Playground!

All in all,
it's a relief to be done!

And though I do miss my ankle-biters,
now I get to drop off Owen and know he's having
loads of fun and learning so much too...
at someone elses house!
