Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Aren't You So Excited?"

That's the question the kids asked me, oh,
let's say a billion times today.


I T ' S  O P E N  H O U S E  T I M E !

So five kids in tow,
minus one husband,
plus one LARGE headache...
and off we went!

 What are 2nd graders up to these days?

In addition to silouhettes,
there are dinosaur dioramas,
Polar Bear reports, and...

Sunflower babies!


G A B R I E L  D O D G E

So what's up with the kinders?

Iris made for a great "Grouchy Lady Bug",
hatched baby chicks, and even planted radishes!

Now that you've got the 4-1-1 on the lower grades,
what about the big wigs?

The big bad fourth graders?

Bella's pulling out all the stops with
Diamante poems, California History,
and developing her short story skills!

Another BMOC sighting!

This one's the moody sort, a little,
too cool for school if you know what I mean...


What was the best part about Open House?

First, when Gabriel spread-eagled on the floor
of the classroom indicating,
quite bluntly,
that he was done with the tour,

{ Yea, Gabriel! }

but second...

The cat sighting on the way home,
which made my pet-deprived children go crazy!

H A P P Y  O P E N - H O U S I N G 

T O  Y O U  T O O !

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