Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Living Book Fair

What is a Living Book Fair?

Turns out,
it's pretty awesome!

Each grade selected a classic story
and brought it to life!

Thank you, Iris!

You did amazing in your play:

The Giving Tree!

You worked so hard to
memorize all of your lines,
and you sparkle "on stage"!

Ava's puppet show,
"Jack and the Beanstalk"
was a hit with all the kids!

Way to go, Ava!

Bella's class shared
"The Sign of the Beaver",
and brought to life a Native American village,
complete with a wig wam,
fishing, setting snares, and grinding cornmeal!

What a fun way to end the night!

we're so proud of you!

Thank you for a wondeful evening!

We love you!

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