Showing posts with label Owen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Owen. Show all posts

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Life with Two Boys at Home

I still can't believe that in addition to being a mother to
three stunningly beautiful girls, 
I am also the mother of two very handsome boys!

What a blessed life!

This realization hit me the hardest when the school year started
and we saw the girls off to school. 
Then it was just me and the boys
looking at each other thinking, 

"Now what?"

Here's what I discovered:

Boys are very different then girls. 

Though I can't really explain how. 
It's not that they rough-house more-you should see our girls! 
Or that their personalities are different-
you should see the range in our daughters-it's like night & day. 

See.  Unexplainable.
Yet, very different. 

But, in a good way.

Like girls, however, they love being "helpers".

Where else is the process of unloading a dishwasher
a main event that causes you to drop what you're doing and come running?

More kisses than I ever expected.

Maybe it's the latin-blood in them,
but these boys love to smooch! 

Kisses are aplenty in this household,
and who could resist their outstreched arms and "mmmmm..."-ing?

In a nutshell,
life with two boys at home is...


And the only thing that makes it even better,
is hearing the girls barreling down the hall after a full day at school,
and Samuel's keys jingling as he walks in the backdoor. 

That, is home.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

End-of-Year Luau

Nothing says summer like a Luau,
and this annual end-of-the-school year tradition at the girls school is a must for our family! 

Gabriel was a bit bewildered at all the commotion...

...but made for a great lap-buddy.

As the girls shook...

...and shimmied...

...they completely brought down the house!

Isabella welcoming the newest member of the school, Iris! 

She starts kindergarten in the fall,
and couldn't be more excited!

These guys have a little while (thank goodness),
before they fly the nest too. 

Though in the fall,
Owen will also start Joy School two times a week for a few hours of the day.


What will Gabriel and I do with ourselves?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Reading Rewards & Stomach Cramps!

Each of my beautiful daughters was awarded a dinner certificate for reading at a local restaurant.  They were super-proud of their accomplishment, and it was fun to take them out for a night on the town!

The upside:
We always have a great time together. 
Tonight was no different.

Also, the signature monster chocolate cake was a hit with the kids. 
Who wouldn't love 7-layers of incredible yummy goodness?

The downsides:
Owen decided that now was the time to
 launch crayons way high up in the sky during dinner.


He never does that!


And then, an hour after leaving, Samuel became super, super sick.

He vowed never to order fish from a restaurant again!

All in all, it was a typical night for the Samuel Elmers:

There's the good, the bad, and the UGLY!

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Samuel might though.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Boy and His Dad...

This is something I cherish.

A First.

A Rite of Passage.


Thursday, April 22, 2010


I can't NOT get in on the fun when my sisters are all over it, right?
It seemed like a good idea at the time...

...but on second thought...
...don't look at me!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

New Doors, Same Great Place...

We were surprised to find that the Sacramento Temple now has new doors!

They are stunning, as is the rest of that beautiful building, but it was especially great that the kids were able to to see more!

We usually visit with the kiddies in the daytime, so it was fun to see them explore the grounds at dusk.

Owen and I had a nice little visit before we left.  I asked him if he wants to go inside the temple and his answer is, and has been for awhile, "Moroni!".

I love it!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

My Little Man...


So busy...'s almost like watching a mad scientist at work!

It's amazing what several jars of play dough and an assortment of tools will inspire:

An afternoon of quiet invention!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


...are the best!

So says Owen, who was postively delighted to show me that he could eat a whole cupcake in one bite!  

Now that's something to write home about!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

There's a Fairy Lurking... all of us!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Pray for Your Children That I Won't Punt Them Out the Window

Yes, that's what I actually said to my husband.  And soon you'll know why...

Samuel served in the Philippines, Ilagan Mission, and there he learned a phrase in Tagalog that means mischievous.  The term is: Muk-Muk, or translated into English, means: Iris and Owen!

These two are the epitomy of mischevious, and this past week they really went bananas and drove me bonkers!

Bath time always involves removing all soap and soap-like products OUT of the tub during bath play time.  I thought I had removed them all, but apparently I missed one and they squeezed the contents of an entire bottle of shampoo into the tub making for this gray, soapy-soupy mess...
Later, while feeding Gabriel, I noticed that they were quiet.  Hmmm.  That always indicates trouble.  I went into the family room to discover they both had their own cleaning product (Owen had Windex; Iris had the $100 Granite Counter top cleaner), and were spraying furiously onto the coffee table and wiping it up with Gabriel's burp clothes!

Oh yeah, ignore Owen's middle finger inn the shot above.  Focus on the sheepish grin...
Still later, Iris came running to tell me that Owen was "playing with a knife".  What she realized as she was waving her arms at me, was that her hands were covered in chocolate frosting.  As her mind comprehended that this too required an explanation, she hurriedly added that Owen-not Iris-Owen, had gotten into the frosting!

Still later, after much scribbling on walls, doors, and basically any surface of any kind, I banned all writing utensils and set my watch for two minutes at a time.  That's how long I would let them go from my sight before checking on them.  They did well, climbing into the "tupperware cabinet" and rolling freshly picked lemons on the floor-I'm okay with that!  But then I later discovered that they had ceased rolling and were now "eating", rind and all, the lemons!  Iris wolfed everything down (I don't know know how she stomached it!), while Owen's chewed up lemon landed in a neat little pile at his feet.  Thanks Owen , I guess!

And if that isn't all, later in the day Owen acted as a human meat tenderizer to the roast I was preparing for dinner!  Aarghhh!

Well, they are now both tucked in for a nap, and I can finally, finally relax!

Or can I...?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Park Days: Inspired!

 Our Relief Society has organized one day every week where we can get together and let the kids play at various parks around the city.

I admit, I hardly ever make it out (mornings are so crazy!), but when I do the kids never fail to have a great time and I love the opportunity to visit with other moms.  It is such a great opportunity to get to know them better, and I always come away smiling.
I am so grateful for for my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I know the Relief Society Program is ordained of God, and that the meetings and activities truly are inspired and are designed to draw us closer to Christ.

What a resource! 

What a blessing!

As we all strive to strengthen our homes and our families.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Love that Styrofoam!

A new picture wrapped smartly  in Styrofoam quickly became the toy of the day!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Overcast Day = Perfect Park Fun


We met up with a good friend of mine, a fellow school mom, for a park play date and had just the best time.  Nothing beats an overcast day that's perfect for playing while you keep toasty with a warm sweater!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

Laundry Fairies

At the close of each day we gather someplace within the house for family scripture study, song, and prayer.  Sometimes there's a mound of laundry nearby, and it never fails that my laundry fairies are eager to help.

Sometimes the help is really that:

And other times, it's anything but!

Either way, I love it!  And I will surely miss these little hands when they are grown and gone!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Owen's Big Boy Bed

What happened to my baby?!?
He's all grown up and sleeping in a bed all his own.  He has surprised us all by doing so well too.  He runs to bed when it's naptime or bedtime and literally conks out everytime.

I love you sweetheart!

Sleep tight!

Monday, October 5, 2009

I've got my eye on you!



Gabriel is soooo interesting!

Monday, September 28, 2009

The...and 'A'...Friend

Does it get any better than watching your oldest son read "The Friend" to your youngest son?

It really doesn't!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Owen's Storytime

Gabriel is one lucky boy! 

His big brother Owen loves to read to him, and oftentimes I'll find him talking softly to Gabriel and reading him stories.