Friday, July 24, 2009

Family Camp: Day 4, French Toast Friday, the Waterfall, Pinata Madness, & "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas"!

I am convinced that for miles and miles the delicious aroma of our French Toast could be found! This is the beginning and end-all of all camp breakfasts, which is why we save the best for last!

Dear Aunt Patti teaching Ava and Jacob how to flip those bad boys!

You're looking at the future in family camp cooks! It looks like we're in good hands!

After breakfast we decided to take the kids on a hike up the road to the waterfalls. When we finally arrived we had a time of it lowering 14 kids down the rock face. Thank goodness for helping hands!

My wild man!

The beautiful waterfalls.

Iris, Ali, & Luke

Gabriel reached his limit with this hiking nonsense. He was ready to head back to camp!

Owen behind his rock fort. This was before his secret spot was invaded by his cousins!

Fourteen goobers. Okay, fifteen if you count me!

Back at camp, a favorite past-time is a game of cards.

Owen and Meghan, literally laughing about nothing.

Owen, Iris, & Meghan

Fridays begin with French Toast and end with-what else?-French dip sandwiches!

Many, many moons ago, great-grandpa Schwab went down in the Elmer Family history books as making one of the toughest homemade pinatas to crack at family camp. Last year, Samuel and I created our own version, and when it finally did break open, the kids were disappointed to find nothing more than candy reduced to powder! We decided to make this an annual tradition, and this year the Joe Elmers took up the challenge.

They had the fantastic idea of bringing up two pinatas. One for the kids...

and one for the grown-ups.

This was a serious pinata. I think Joe employed every construction material known to man to make this pinata indestructible!

The steel bats literally reverberated upon contact. Yes, I say "bats" in the pleural sense because one broke early on! After many attempts, Samuel was the lucky one to break it open. His prize was $5 dollars!

As night fell, beautiful things started to happen.
Christmas music filled the air, and a beautiful Christmas tree, complete with Christmas lights, decorations, and faux snow at the base, lit up the night!

Aunt Leah played Santa and handed out a myriad of gifts from Santa's sack.

It was a magical way to end our final night at family camp.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Family Camp: Day Three, Attack Cupid, Happy Trails, & Birthday Wishes

Thursday dawned bright and clear with a hint smoke? No.
Pine trees? No.

Aw, yes. I know that smell well.

It's love!

Love is definitely in the air which means its...

(Whoa, there Luke! Don't get too sweet on your cousin there!)

I was in charge of this particular holiday and because I LOVE sweets the kids decorated sugar cookies with frosting and sprinkles including pink sugar crystals, red-hots, and conversation heart candy.

Iris hard at work.

Isabella with her delicious creation-but oh! What's that there in the woods? It looks like we have a visitor!

Cupid (a.k.a Samuel)!
That mischievous love bug has invaded our camp intent on pricking us with his love arrows!

I told the kids that while we love that he pricked their parents with arrows many years ago, it was time to turn the tables on our match-making friend. Each child, armed with a cupful of ice-cold creek water, made their assault to keep him at bay. I thought Cupid would be a bit more nimble, but within seconds his garlands sagged under the weight of the water!

Alas, he wasn't defeated though. He managed to capture me and planted a soggy kiss! I owed him though, seeing as he's always willing to be part of my crazy schemes!

Thank you honey!

You really are a sweetheart!

Later in the afternoon we took the kids on a mini-hike.

We made quite a sight tromping into the woods.

Two of my manly mountain men.

Sweet Iris

Owen, my heart.
(And how appropriate for Valentines Day!)

Isabella & Abby

Gazing in the stream, or in Uncle Ron's case, up at the sky!

Uncle Houston blowing a beautiful dandelion parachute ball.

Ava's birthday fell on this, the third day of camp, and we celebrated with chocolate cupcakes.

Later, with tears in her eyes, she told me she wished that we could stay at camp forever!
She has such a tender heart.

Ava with the birthday crown that Isabella made for her. I'm so glad these sweet girls are good friends too.

Happy Birthday Ava-dear!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Family Camp: Day Two, Quad Fever & Easter

What's the best way to start your day?

With a shower!

But since we didn't have that-or even running water for that matter, the next best thing is a delicious breakfast! Samuel's mom makes a mean oatmeal, and though I don't think that's high on anybody's list, coupled with bacon, sausage and hot buttered toast, in the cold early morning mountain air this is a meal that is not to be missed!

Who should come hopping into camp on this fine mosquito laden day?

The Easter Bunny, a.k.a Aunt Rachel!

The kiddies enjoyed some yummy treats and made this super-cute chick!

Iris snacking on some fresh fruit with her cousins Ali and Meghan.

Uncle Houston instituted another tradition by bringing up his quad.

Yes, that is Owen teetering under the huge helmet! If my mom saw these pics I would be DEAD for letting my kids on this "deathtrap"!

Hi Mom!

Rip-roarin' Iris

Monster-truck Ava

Dainty Bella

Off-roadin' Olivia
(Though I did scream almost the entire way in first gear!)

I told Sam's mom point-blank:
This is going on the blog!

Mamma-Jamma Clista

Let me hark back to the late 80's and early 90's by saying:

You go girl!

Special Note:
You'll notice that Samuel is missing from this collection of quad-riding photographs. Let's just say that I didn't want to feed his hysteria over the darn things. There was even talk of the uncles going in on one together.
Silly boys!

And yes honey, the answer is still

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Family Camp: Day One, Halloween Spook-tacular

What is it about vacations that makes me grossly underestimate how much time it will take to pack for seven people?

This years camping trip was no exception and Sam and I were up until the wee hours of the morning getting ready. The fact that we got on the road two hours later than planned was met with cheers from the kids. Why? Because that's early for us! I'm surprised we made it out in under three hours!

When we arrived, Ava served as tour guide up "Maddie Mountain", the super huge rock formation just across the creek from camp. At it's peak you can see for miles and the breeze is wonderful!

On the way back down we ran into my nephews who were just climbing up. We couldn't resist a second ascent.

We came across this cool rock formation that looked like a giant loaf of sliced bread (see the rock behind Ava).

Last years camp theme was "Knights & Dragons", this year we chose "Holidays". This fun tradition results in different games & activities for the kids for each day of camp.

Aunt Elizabeth was in charge of Halloween and she didn't disappoint with fun masks...

and a tent-to-tent trick-or-treat!

Happy Halloween!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Really? Marshmallow Cream in...what?

A bizarre recipe in Samuel's family is the Marshmallow and peanut butter sandwich. Samuel says they taste great, and his sister Rachel even insists that marshmallow creme is healthier than jelly. Now, I don't know about that, but I did verify her claim that jelly has more who knows?

But when I ran out of jelly for lunchtime p.b. & j.'s, the marshmallow creme seemed to glow on the shelf saying, "Use me!".

So to the happy cheers of my kids, we made the sandwiches and of course they loved them!

Later Sam came home and showed me where the whole jar of jelly was hiding in the fridge.

Go figure!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Monster Zucchini

We garden sat for our neighbors the Wares and they were kind enough to share their crop while they were away. As I was rustling around in their garden I came across this honking huge zucchini! We call it the monster zucchini, and I could barely get Owen to hold it long enough for me to snap the picture!

Seeing what wonderful fruits and vegetables we can grow with really very little effort made me determined to be a more diligent gardener. There is no better feeling than getting your hands a little messy, plucking the freshest of produce, and tasting the difference (homegrown beats store bought hands down)!

I guess you could say we're turning over a new leaf...

Thank you Wares!