Monday, November 9, 2009

Elmers - Flu Shot = Flu!

Last year we made our way smartly to the flu clinic the moment the vaccines became available.  This year we became complacent, and when I called, they were already out!

Blast procrastination!
In a matter of DAYS the kids and I all came down with the flu!
Ava had the worst of it, with a stubborn fever of 104.5!

Bella was the last to get sick, and was positively delighted to finally be sequestered at home with Ava from school!

Next year, guess who'll be first in line for the flu shot?


Herlehy Family said...

I am sorry to hear that you all have the is no fun at all having the flu. If it makes you feel any better we got our flu shoots early in the season but since Tuesday Carson has had the sometimes it is just going to hunt us down and attack. Hope you are all feeling better soon!

Shan B. said...

Feel better soon!! Crossing my fingers that we don't get it over here:)