Saturday, August 28, 2010

A New Roof

Putting on a new roof is a ton of work!

But if you're blessed with family-
ward family included,
the task is a whole lot easier.

This weekend,
we were blessed to spend some extra time
with the Joe Elmers.

And I'm not kidding when I say "blessed".

The kids loved the extra time with their cousins,
the men (and Jessica) got in quite a workout,
the women got a chance to visit,
and we all partook of Jessica's fabulous
jalapeno-laced burgers!


Aunt Rachel helping baby Noah tackle Owen!

Aunt Jessica taking a turn with my baby!

daring the double hoola-hoop!

Best buds:

Ava & Jake

These boys worked hard!


Thanks for the get-together, guys!

We had a great, great time!

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