Thursday, December 23, 2010

Our Extreme Gingerbread House

I'll admit it.

We get a little ambitious at Christmas.

And with the kids home for the holidays,
they also shamelessly partake in my love of cooking shows-
especially holiday cooking shows.

Something we always get a kick-out of,
is "Extreme Gingerbread Houses".

teams from bakeries across the nation
are tasked with creating insanely large gingerbread houses
in a ridiculousy short amount of time.

The end result?

After a whole lot of blood, sweat, and yes, tears,
there are enormous sweet structures
that any of my kids would happily move into,
and someone is $10 K richer.

Which always gives us the brilliant idea:

We could do that!

it's not on the same scale,
but I tell you,
we're getting there!

You see,
size DOES matter.

And after we're done,
we take a step back,
look at our finished product,
and for all of two-seconds we're happy.

Then, without fail,
we make our resoluton:

Next year will be

And that's how it begins,
and soon you find
yourself sweating and crying
on national T.V.


The walls...

Basic design outline...

Candy Quality Control (C.Q.C.)

Very important in any official competition!

The mason...


She's a beauty!

I can't remember how tall she was,
or how much she weighs,
but she looked great on our buffet!

{ And yes, it's a "she"! }


What will we do different next year?

Everyone gets their own house!

I want COMPLETE creative control!

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