Friday, December 24, 2010

Our Cali Spin on a Traditional East Coast Crab Boil

We have been a go-go-go lately
which is why we chose to slow things down
and celebrate Christmas Eve at home.

If you didn't already know it,
Samuel and I have a beloved tradition of
eating King Crab Legs at home.

And the kids,
up to this point,
thought that tradition was disgusting.

But as they've grown older,
their curiousity has led them to want to give
these gnarly crustaceans a try.

I'm stingy though.

King Crab is pricey!

But as I was pondering a
simple Christmas Eve dinner,
it didn't take long for me to know that
it was time to get the butter melting!

Our beautiful family!

Though it was casual dress
-we're at home!-
some of the girls chose to don their
best Christmas dresses for the occasion!

The big kahuna!

Traditional East Coast Crab Boils have
whole new potatoes, Kielbasa sausage, and shrimp.

Sign me up!

We chose to keep things simple though,
with the crab-both King and Dungeness-centerstage!

My babies!

when I say "babies",
I'm referring to my lovely little crab legs,
scrumptious corn cobbies,
perfect lemon wedges,
and flowering of fresh cilantro.

Oh yes,
and then there are my girls!

{ I don't mess around when it comes to crab } 

Turns out they really are babies!

For all their begging to try crab,
each sampled a biteful before deciding they'd rather
much on corn on the cob and sourdough bread!

{ That's okay...more for me! }

Now if I could just get Samuel to eat only a forkful...


An irresistible chocolate bread pudding!

T O  D I E  F O R !

And did I mention the Vanilla Creme' Anglaise sauce?

Y U M M Y!


We hope your Christmas Eve
was just as wonderful,
and that you found yourself surrounded
by family, good food, and a heart turned to the Savior.

M E R R Y  C H R I S T M A S  E V E !

{ p.s. recipes coming soon! }

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