With the onset of the last few days of school we
celebrated some milestones!
Owen completed his first year of pre-school with
a bash at the park!
He loved his classmates,
and with the exception of getting spit on,
it was a great experience!
Way to go, guys & gals!
Moving on up,
Iris Luciana advanced from kindergarten to the first grade!
That's no small feat and we are so proud of our Duck!
She had a wonderful year with a great teacher and
something I will never forget is seeing her postiviely
rocket into reading!
Iris, you are amazing!
Celebrating with a little graduation cake...
...which isn't easy to do with these guys hanging on every bite!
Thank goodness she's wonderful at sharing!
Thank goodness she's wonderful at sharing!
Next up, Ava!
My new big bad third grader!
I was able to swap babysitting with a sister in our ward
so I could help out at her end-of-the-year field day.
What a blast!
I was bummed I left my camera at home,
but seeing her and her classmates run around and
getting drenched to the bone was pretty funny.
we love you, girl!
How is that you are growing up right before our eyes?
You did great this year and we are so proud of all your acheivements,
especially your progress in math!
we love you, girl!
How is that you are growing up right before our eyes?
You did great this year and we are so proud of all your acheivements,
especially your progress in math!
Bella ended her fourth year with a Heritage Lunch!
She was all gun-ho to make mole',
but I talked her into a spicy dessert instead:
Cinnamon & Cayenne Brownies with
a rich Chocalate Ganache
She made them all herself,
and to my dismay,
and to my dismay,
brought home an empty plate!
Come fall she'll be entering her final year of elementary school!
I'm choking up as I type...
Come fall she'll be entering her final year of elementary school!
I'm choking up as I type...
This is what's supposed to happen, right?
They grow up,
get bigger than you,
leave home...
Well, we're not at THAT point yet,
but the fact that we're anywhere CLOSE
to any of the above is startling to me.
Deep breaths...
Enjoy and savor the now...
They grow up,
get bigger than you,
leave home...
Well, we're not at THAT point yet,
but the fact that we're anywhere CLOSE
to any of the above is startling to me.
Deep breaths...
Enjoy and savor the now...
It's been a few weeks now and all of the hoopla
has officially come to an end.
I have ALL of my babies with me
every single minute of every single day now
and I'm loving every minute of it!
and I'm loving every minute of it!
{ Note }
We've come to the mutual understanding
that asking me the same question over and over again
will result in a chore!
Hence the abilitly to love "every minute"!
Hence the abilitly to love "every minute"!
H A P P Y S U M M E R !
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