Saturday, November 19, 2011

Guns Blazing...

We went on a double date with some
friends from our ward,
and since he's a CHP Officer, Instructor, and Range Master (?)
we visited the CHP Academy
for some fun!

an eye-opening tour of the vault
where they house confiscated weapons-
of which there are a TON!

Second, shooting a variety of weapons including,
a classic single and double action Smith & Wesson-my favorite!,
the gun that officers currently carry,
a teeny tiny model that was so, so hard to shoot,
and Samuel's favorite,
the fully automatic M-something (I cannot remember the name!)
which is illegal in most states-
and for very good reason!

dinner at a Japanese Steakhouse!

Thanks for a wonderful evening!

You have definitely nudged us closer to becoming
proud owners of a firearm!


Some day.

In another universe...



D G said...

That's an M-16. What I used to carry in Iraq:) I miss my baby haha. That looks like it was a fun date!

D G said...

Sorry M-4, M-16 is much bigger and way more awkward.

Samuel + Olivia said...

Ha! I just figured out who you are! Only one gal with that much gun knowledge! Yes, I think you're right on the M-4 call. Chris had to help me hold it when I went fully-automatic to me from shooting straight up into the sky! Super-fun! Love and miss you!