Showing posts with label Isabella. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Isabella. Show all posts

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tokens & Tickets

It was finally that dreaded (oops, did I say that?), I mean wonderful, time of year when we raise funds for the girls school by visiting Chuckie Cheese.

As you can see, this is their absolute favorite event of the year!

Owen is my timid little man.  He's very interested in things, but gets nervous when it comes to actually participating.

Take this monster truck ride, for instance.  Gabriel pretty much rolled with the homies, while Owen actually tried to jump ship!

{As I looked at this post a second time, it struck me that one day these boys will actually be riding together in a legit vehicle on the street!  At least I hope it's legit...and please, please don't be a monster truck!}

The kiddies had a blast, and for our trouble, the school raised some money and we walked away "richer" with several tootsie pops, stickers, and bracelets.

A win-win!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Fold of God

"...and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light;

  Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life—
  Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?"
On January 16th, 2010
Isabella was baptized and became a member of 
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
When we arrived to see the font filling with water, the steamed mirror held the promise of a toasty warm baptismal experience.  Unfortunately, the warm water gave way to cold after only a few minutes!
We have all looked forward to this day, but perhaps none more so than her younger brothers and sisters.  They LOVE watching children be baptized, but seeing their big sister enter the water was especially exciting.
Our beautiful girls.
Isabella and our handsome sons.
Isabella, we love you so.
We are all strengthened by your faith and testimony!

Isabella and her dad, Samuel.

And of course, with mom-whose already crying!
These are the moments you live for.  
These are the treasures you lay up in heaven...
Our beloved missionaries.
Isabella and her grandparents, Rose & Jesus, and her aunt Julia.
Isabella and great-grandma Lopez.
After the baptism we had a luncheon at our home.  
Per Isabella's special request, we served egg salad sandwiches!
We love you Isabella!
And your father and I know that as you keep these sacred covenants 
that you've made with Heavenly Father, 
your life will unfold in a 
beautiful, beautiful way.

Monday, January 4, 2010

White Dresses...

 My beautiful Isabella trying on her baptismal dress.
 Is it really possible that this is my child?
Eight years old, gorgeous, supremely intelligent, kind, loving...
This proud mama could go on and on!
 Isabella loves posing for pictures and is notorious for her "camera smile"!
 We try to break her by making her laugh, and as you can see...
 We are ALWAYS successful!
 Congratulations Isabella!

Your big day will soon be here and 
we are so happy to see it come to pass.

You are a lovely girl, 
and we are grateful you are apart of our family!
What a wonderful example you are 
to your younger brothers and sisters, 
and your parents!

We love you!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Homemade Butter...

Isabella's class has been reading "Little House in the Big Woods", and per tradition her class held their annual "Little House Luncheon"!

 In keeping with the theme, each student also participated in aunique Secret Santa Gift Exchange.  What made it so special, was that the gift had to be homemade and in keeping with something you would give or receive in "Little House" times.  Isabella chose to make this baby doll quilt for her friend Kayliegh!

 They dined from pie tins filled with Swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes, slaw, and cornbread, and drank apple cider from glass jars. 

They even made fresh homemade butter and apple sauce for the feast!
No meal is complete with out dessert!  And this meal was no exception with fresh fruit and cream and an assortment of sugar and gingerbread cookies!
 With full tummies they came together for stories and a rousing sing-a-long!
 We are so grateful for wonderful teachers who make learning come alive!  This was a really special activity, and it's one I know Isabella will never forget.

Now I'm anxious to make homemade butter myself...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It begins...Achievement Days!

Look at the smile on this girl! 
She is loving that her first Achievement Days is only moments away.
 It was something to watch my baby girl kiss me good-bye to attend her first meeting.  I know it won't be long before Samuel and I will be juggling who's where and when, so this really is the beginning of...well, not the "end", but the beginning of the "beginning"!  What can I say?  It's late and I'm feeling nostalgic!

After the meeting, she was bubbling with excitement from all the fun she had.  They made chocolate dipped pretzels and a craft, and even had a white elephant gift exchange too.  Her sisters were wild with envy and can't wait to turn eight as well!

We love you Isabella!  And we are so excited to see you grow in the gospel!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Eight is Great!





I love this girl!
thank you for being such a wonderful daughter!
you are a light to this family...
and to the world!
We love you!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Christmas in August?

Isabella made this awesome snowman from play dough!

Are you ready for the holidays, or what?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Call Do-over!

Well the first day of school came and went in a blur. As I waited for them to come home later that day, I felt a twinge of guilt for how things transpired. A hearty back-to-school breakfast? No, try a hastily poured bowl of cereal! Love notes in their lunch boxes? They were lucky to get a sandwich! The traditional first-day photos in the front yard with their new school duds? How about a quick kiss and a "Don't be late!".

Absolutely horrible, right?

So in my determination to make things right, I call an official:


There were eggs...


and yes, even chocolate milk!

We had our front-yard photo shoot-when did they get so big?-and they carried lunches with not only love notes, but love bites in each of their sandwiches!

I am so grateful for wonderful kids who love their mama despite her shortcomings. What a blessing they are to me.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Where are my Pencils?


Miss Isabella's
House of School

She has been busy, busy rounding the younger children up for daily lessons. The little ones have loved it and work so hard! I love when they come out after hitting the books ready for P.E. or a visit to the "cafeteria" for lunch.

And yes,
I am the cafeteria lady.