Monday, April 13, 2009

The Art Docent Program

When Samuel and I enrolled the girls in our local elementary school, we learned about The Art Docent Program. It's a fantastic opportunity for parents to volunteer in the classroom by bringing the art museum to the kids, via monthly classroom presentations. We lead the kids in a discussion on various types of artwork (impressionism, cubism, etc.-), and study large reproductions of famous works of art. Afterwards, we lead the kids in a unique hands-on art lesson, using tons of cool art mediums including chalk pastels, oil pastels, and watercolors.

It's a sacrifice of time, but well worth it.
The kids always have a blast, and to tell you the truth, we do too!

If you ever hear of a call for art docents, check it out.
It's an incredibly rewarding experience for all involved.


Laurie, the girls and Scott said...

I'm glad to hear you are having fun. I love being the art docent too! It's such a fun way to get to know all the kids in the class. This is my first year and I hope I'm lucky enough to get to do it in all my kids' classes!

sanpinney said...

We went to the library for FHE to check out all the artwork! It was fun and the kids were so excited to see it displayed. It looks like RJ's was censored though, it was the only one missing!

OLIVIA said...

I am so bummed! We worked so hard to see that every child was represented! We are re-hanging the artwork at Junction for Open House, so I'll be sure to include a piece of his.

Please tell him I'm sorry!