Monday, April 6, 2009

The Big 3-0: Part IV, The Roast

Samuel's family has a wonderful tradition of roasting the folks who hit major age milestones. And Samuel and I love to get into the spirit of gag-gifts. We plot and plan well in advance, and make sure to create something spectacularly funny for the unfortunate birthday boy or girl.

For several years now, we've been warned that there would be major pay-back for all that we've dished out. But we weren't worried. We even encouraged them.

Because we knew that if we were going to go down in flames, at least we would be the ones to light the match!

Hence, we turned the tables on everyone...

by arriving at our roast as...

The future Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Elmer!

While we were dressing, the kids reactions ranged from puzzled to mortified as they observed our transformation. Owen looked thoroughly confused, and Isabella kept exclaiming that people were going to see us!

What made things worse, was that just I was putting on the finishing touches on Sam's giant uni-brow, we heard a knock on the door. Ava came tearing through the house announcing that Bro. Faupula was at the door! Samuel and I knew he had no choice but to answer the door in costume, and he did sheepishly, while we watched Dee's jaw drop!

Not long after that we set out for the evening, but we had a few stops along the way including his parent's house so that Samuel could snatch his Dad's old man sunglasses.

Yes, he really wears these.

We then dropped the kid's off at my mom's, before we headed to the party. Needless to say, our appearance had the desired effect, and we took everyone by surprise!

Note the subtle details:

The uni-brow...
The shaved crown of the head...
The nose and ear hairs!

The blue eyeshadow...
Smeared lipstick...
The famous red hat!

Amongst the many gag gifts, we received...

Sunblock for men. Specifically formulated for the bald spot on top of the head.

Sam sadly noted that this would actually be a very useful gift!

Instant abs!

And miracle-grow for hair!

I was treated to a bevy of mature motherhood products, including a hat/wig combo, a bottle of prune juice, a wipe stick (don't ask), and a nursing/slinky bra.

The party was a hoot and Samuel and I had a blast!

We were even serenaded by our brother-in-law Bill!

Thank you everyone for an unforgettable roast!

The next day, Ava looked at us and heaved an enormous sigh of relief.
"You're back to normal!"


Jen said...

Too funny! What good sports you are.

The Blanquie Blog said...

That's hilarious!. I love the pictures:)

Laurie said...

Happy Birthday to the both of you! What fun memories. You guys are so fun! My brain would not have even thought up that stuff!

Next time I need to be "fantastic" I know who to call!

the wyllie's said...

You guys were amazing! It will be hard to top, as always!!

Knudson said...

WOW those are the BEST costumes EVER!!! you have to frame those photos! you two are a hoot!!!

Kirk Benge said...

Hey, I've enjoyed your blog. You guys have a really great family, and your kids seem sweet. Our blog is We don't update ours all that much anymore. Most of our stories and pictures end up on Facebook.

rachbill said...

I knew that was your plan to turn the tables on us. You sure did. You're too good. At least now you don't have to plan your halloween costumes! We had a blast as usual.

Laura Keith said...

What a great laugh! That was awesome!!! I'm thoroughly impressed with the makeup/unabrow! Perfect!