Monday, April 13, 2009

Cleavage Patrol

I love the Food Network!
And one of of my favorite shows, or I should say, used to be one of my favorite shows, was "Everday Italian" with Giada De Laurentiis. Unfortunately, Giada likes to wear low-cut blouses, and this does not go unnoticed by my Ava (a.k.a. Cleavage Patrol), who checks to make sure that Giada is modest, otherwise we change the channel.

It's been several months now, and we've given up watching that show (the Barefoot Contessa is our new favorite!). But I continue to be grateful for my sweet daughter who knows that our bodies are special and sacred.

Recently, she came out of her room with her favorite soccer shirt in tow, announcing that she was giving it to her little sister Iris because it was too small. I knew how difficult this was for her, because this shirt is so near and dear to her heart. She became attached to it as a baby, and insisted on wearing it even though it was huge.

She said, "Mom, it's just not modest anymore. You can see my belly."

Out of the mouths of babes.


Shan B. said...

Way to go Olivia!! I don't know what I would do if I had girls. LOL!!

Crystal Dever said...

This is so neat. What good parents you must be to have taught her so well. I love how you put the link to the church site on there too.. What a good missionary idea! I'll have to do that.

the wyllie's said...

Oh Ava, she is such a sweet little girl! I'm so glad you guys teach your children to be modest.... I love it even more that they point out others that aren't!

2KT Faupula girls said...

You guys rock! You guys are always such a wonderful example! Way to go AVA!