Monday, April 6, 2009

The Big 3-0: Part III, Samuel's Turn

Sam likes to say...
"I married an older woman." and "She robbed the cradle."

But really he's only 2-measly weeks younger than me. And not long after I turned 30, he followed suit to my delight!

As a surprise, Owen, Iris, and I worked our heinies off in the garage to clean things up and move things around.

Our goal?
To make space for his car.

We finished in plenty of time, and even made a cheeky sign to greet him when he came home!

Happy Birthday Samuel!

Because he loves breakfast, he chose to eat at Venita Rheas for an early morning meal. He had a monstrous turkey and avocado omelet with fresh squeezed orange juice.

We were all stuffed to the gills, when the waitress surprised us with Sam's birthday treat: A huge mint-chocolate chip ice-cream cake!

Of course we couldn't turn that down. So we all settled in and did our best to make Venita proud!

We love you Daddy!

1 comment:

rachbill said...

That's cute. How fun