Monday, May 18, 2009

Mother-Daughter Camp-IN

Since the boys were off in the wilderness, we girls decided we were going to create some fun of our own. Ava's great idea was for me to take them camping too. Good try Ava! Except mom prefers hotels over tents, and besides, Dad had all the camping gear! Whew!

So we compromised and had a camp-in in the living room. The girls dragged all their blankets and pillows down for the big event. Since Samuel was taking the camera with him, we took some quick shots before they left.

Owen's not too happy here because I was trying to kick him out of the picture. After all, it's GIRLS ONLY! But since he cried, and mom felt horrible, we let him cheese with us.

Since it was still early and plenty hot, I had the girls change into their swimsuits and surprised them with a trip to the Fountains. They had a blast romping through the water, and later they played on the playground.

Afterward we picked up a pizza, and then settled in for a movie. The girls were voting for old movie favorites, and were just getting ready for a serious game of paper-rock-scissors to break the tie (Mom stays out of the voting but Iris always votes twice!), when I surprised them with a movie Sam and I bought especially for that night...BOLT!
The girls were so excited they started screaming like mad people, and it culminated in Ava yelling: "We're having way more fun than Dad and Owen"!

We ate in front of the TV (another treat), and after dinner and dessert--which was peppered with food items we rarely buy (Twinkies, Ding-dongs, & Rootbeer-everyone even got their own can!)--the girls were in a sluggish stupor. They sprawled out on the floor and mom came by (per an earlier promise) to give manicures and pedicures.

The next day we all slept-in and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast. It was a happy surprise when Sam and Owen came home early enough to join us at the table!

Here's to a fabulous Mother-Daughter Camp-In!
And yes, I'm still exhausted!


Herlehy Family said...

That sounds like you girls had a great time. I am sure the girls will remember that weekend forever. Great job making it special for them!

Crystal Dever said...

You are incredible! I can't wait to do stuff like this with my daughterS (notice the plural there... I am having more daughters... :) ) What a sweet mamma you are.