Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ava's Snowmen vs. Snowbikers

I love how my daughter, in her beloved innocence, once upon a time drew happy and lighthearted pictures of joyful and smiling snowmen.
Then she spied our touching neighbors Christmas display which featured a plywood cutout of a biker Snowman outfitted in a black leather vest, jeans, and yes, holding a beer can.  The can, thank heavens, did NOT make it into her drawing.

I should be so grateful, right?


Sarah said...

Be glad that out Ava's window each night she didn't have to see Pee-pee Santa...or that may have made it onto the paper. Yep, Santa peeing off our neighbors roof was directly out our girls window. I know we live in Linda...but I figured the people in Edgewater were better than that.

Herlehy Family said...

Too funny!