Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


...are the best!

So says Owen, who was postively delighted to show me that he could eat a whole cupcake in one bite!  

Now that's something to write home about!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Water Babies!

 Gabriel is growing so fast now!  I can't even remember the last time I took photos of him in the tub.  Now he's finally sturdy enough to be held by his sister, who thankfully loves to hold him in her lap while I snap away!
 At this point in time, he's mostly just in awe of the water.  He doesn't really move around much.  He's more or less content to grab onto a toy and then just watch.
 He's a handsome little guy, and our home was definitely not complete without him.  I'm grateful for prayer, promptings, and yes, chubby blessings! 

Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas is Peppermint Hot Chocolate

Nothing beats hot chocolate on these cold chilly nights, but in December it's just natural to throw in a candy cane for some added holiday cheer! 

The kids love it, ironically Samuel and I hate it, but what to do?
It's Christmas!

The hanging of the wreath-which officially obscures my view out the peephole!

My girls pausing for some refreshment.
Mom moving all the ornaments around after the kids attacked the tree...
My son Owen and his crazy whipped cream mustache.  The kid loves the stuff and when he hears the can squirting he comes running with his mouth wide open!
Gabriel Dodge, getting ready to experience his very first Christmas, and liking it very much!
I love Christmas!  I am so grateful for my Savior, and for this opportunity to celebrate his birth.  It truly is an opportunity for families to draw close together to reflect on his life, his ministry, and his sacrifice in our behalf.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sous Chefs

I am so grateful for my kitchen helpers!
They are a blast to work with and I love to see their culinary creations!

Check out their beautiful pizza pies!

Now that's "amor'e"!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bath Time

When they're not slapping each other silly they do have an enjoyable time...

Friday, August 14, 2009

I told myself I wouldn't do it again...

but it's back...

The Junk Drawer

What is it about this drawer,
this drawer that begins so innocently enough?
A place for your keys, your phone, a few pizza coupons
and then


Before you know it, event the kitchen sink is trying to heave it's way inside!

I've tried,
I've tried to clean it out.

But it's no use.

The junk comes back,
seemingly bigger and better than before.

So I need to make peace with it...
and move on.

It's a part of our family.

A part of our home.


Friday, June 19, 2009

Meeting the Family

Coming home from the hospital is always a surreal experience. It's a little like when you come home after a vacation. Everything looks the same...but a little different too. Things are even weirder when you've spent several days away from your children. Add bringing home a new baby, and then you've got the perfect mix for a chaotic homecoming!

Luckily, Gabriel is no stranger to the constant buzz of laughter, tears, and yes, fighting, that is a regular part of the soundtrack of our home. He had nine months and five days to acclimate himself to his new family!

Finally we're settled enough to take a nice family photo!

And another with mom.

Ava & Gabriel

Iris & Gabriel

Isabella & Gabriel

Owen & Gabriel

The boys!

And finally, some alone time with dad.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Breakfast of Champions!

Digging in!

Thanks for showing me your feet Owen!

At our house, there is no other comfort food like the Elmer Classic:

Eggies & Toast with a side of Cold Chocolate Milk

It never fails to bring cheers and an eager rush to the table.

I love that we Elmers are pretty simple to please.

Monday, May 4, 2009


I love that my children have one another! Yes they fight, but they also love to play with one another. Sometimes I hear them rooting around in the bedroom, and then, amid squeals of delight, they'll come running to show me what they've been up to! It's always a happy surprise, because you never know what they're going to come up with next!

Playing "mommy & baby".

I don't even think Owen knows!
That's probably half the fun!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Not Good!

Owen learned how to climb up the bunk bed ladder.


This is very, very bad!

Unfortunately, he is also very, very pleased with himself.


Monday, April 13, 2009


I call my babies my "barnacles", because sometimes, no matter what you're doing, they're content to just follow you around wherever you go.

Luckily, Sam was home, and they left mom alone to tag around with Dad.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Music to My Ears? I don't think so!

My day is composed of keeping a watchful eye on these little rug-rats! For the most part they play well together, which is great for me! And every once in awhile, when I'm feeling out-of-my-mind, I bring down the musical instruments and let them have at it.

They love making music, and they love to compose complex pieces that they must perform live for my benefit!

Why did I not take a video to include the sound?
Because this memory is best remembered visually...on mute!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Human Jungle Gym!

There is nothing I love to see more than my kids using my husband as a human jungle gym! The laughter and screams of delight that fill our home when this happens are un-matched. It's no wonder a favorite primary song of ours is: "Daddy's Homecoming". Otherwise known as: "I'm so glad when daddy comes home!"