but it's back...
What is it about this drawer,
this drawer that begins so innocently enough?
A place for your keys, your phone, a few pizza coupons
and then
Before you know it, event the kitchen sink is trying to heave it's way inside!
I've tried,
I've tried to clean it out.
But it's no use.
The junk comes back,
seemingly bigger and better than before.
So I need to make peace with it...
and move on.
It's a part of our family.
A part of our home.
You and me both!!! Seriously hugh, do we really need the stuff that's in that drawer?? I think so :)
Sometimes I am scared to even go through it. It's actually rewarding in the end. Your bound to find something you've been looking for forever! Got lucky once and found 5 bucks! It's only cleaned out when I know there's going to be a mother-in-law inspections! LOL! Dee thinks it's funny that I say that, but it's true!
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