Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Human Jungle Gym!

There is nothing I love to see more than my kids using my husband as a human jungle gym! The laughter and screams of delight that fill our home when this happens are un-matched. It's no wonder a favorite primary song of ours is: "Daddy's Homecoming". Otherwise known as: "I'm so glad when daddy comes home!"


allison said...

My kids go nuts when Jon comes home every night! If he makes the mistake of sitting/laying on the ground he is fair game & really takes a beating!
I know he loves it!
Sam seems like he'd be a fun dad, I can imagine he & the kids get pretty silly together!

Brandy said...

I LOVE reading your blog! Especially the Valentine's recipes and ideas. Truffles, waffles, etc. YUM! I'm looking forward to browsing all your favorite food sites, thanks!

Laurie said...

I remember attacking my dad when I was a kid! We used to call it daddy monster! Oh how I wish I had a picture of it like you have captured!

Meredith said...

oooh, that looks fun!!! I miss being a kid when I could wear parents t-shirts to bed and wrestle with dad!

The Fishers said...

Next time Brent is our girls' jungle gym and he asks, "if we had one more kid, what would I do?" I'll have to show him this
picture. :)

Shan B. said...

Hey Olivia. Looks like fun!! I tagged you. Go to my blog to see what you do. Have fun. It's easy.