Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Early Monday morning, at about 3 a.m., I woke up experiencing a lot of pain and pressure. As I walked the house and began counting contractions, I realized the time had come to wake up Samuel and get ready for our trip to the hospital. By 6 a.m., after settling the kids with their aunt and uncle, we arrived.

Everything was looking great, my contractions were steady, close together, and fairly strong, and then came the news:

Our son had decided to float!

Which means there was no longer any pressure helping things along!

We've since been released and lo' and behold the contractions are far and few between!
Talk about a false alarm and some serious disappointment!

I think Ava took it the hardest though. When the kids came home from their much anticipated 2-day sleepover with their cousins, she howled and howled.

I'm happy to say my reaction wasn't quite so dramatic.


Ware Family said...

I am so sorry . . .

allison said...

Ah man...that is lame! That happened to me with Abby, talk about a disappointment! I am sure that would be equally as upsetting to a sibling who is expecting to meet their new baby at any moment. Well, I hope it happens soon, sounds like he is just about ready to make his entrance! Can't wait to hear when he does!!!

Amber said...

When I was in labor with Nick (our #4) After only being at the hospital for about 45 min the nurse checked me and said "wow, you are complete and ready to push" My Dr, quickly came over and after checking me said, "uh, no you are not complete, but at a 6"... But, it was quick fast and within only another 25 min, we'd had our little guy... CRAZY fast. Baby will be here before you know it!!

Eric, Sammy, & Kami said...

False Alarm. Sorry. He's just not ready to leave the little place you've made for him.
Good Luck, you're in our thoughts. We can't wait to see pictures of that beautiful little guy.

Shan B. said...

Sorry to hear you have a floater. It'll happen soon. Can't wait to hear when he comes!!

Laurie, the girls and Scott said...

You deserve a little yelling too. I'm SO SORRY he's happy to relax for a little longer.

Herlehy Family said...

I am so sorry! Hang in there! I will keep you in my prayers. On a positive note this little guy is showing great signs of patience.

Laurie said...

That is a BUMMER! I am so sorry! I am not sure when I am 9 months preggers I could handle that disappointment so well. I hope to hear he is here real soon! Good Luck!