Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back to School...Dad?

Yes, Samuel's first day of school was yesterday and he hit the ground running with his new notebook! He's a handsome B.M.O.C. in my book, and I'm so proud of him for going back to school to earn his Master's.

Way to go babe!

Wacky Tacky

As a fun end-of-summer activity several girls from the ward organized a trip to Wacky Tacky in Roseville. We had never been before, and thanks to the nifty group discount and the play-as-long-as-you-want deal we were able to spend the better part of the day letting the kids run ragged.

You can't pass up an inflatable sword!

All grins!

And many, many trips to the water fountain!

Minus some Wisdom...Teeth!

For some time now I've needed to have my wisdom teeth removed. I've always used the kids as an excuse NOT to have the procedure done (i.e. I had just had a baby or we were trying to have another baby, etc.-). But when we finally selected our family dentist, he scheduled the appointment for two weeks hence and I was out of excuses!

Fortunately, Dr. Dever is great (we highly recommend him!), and the procedure was flawless and my healing is coming along nicely.

Do I miss chewing?



So everyone out there please do me one favor:

Eat some Tri-tip for me!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Daphne's & Tiffany's: Greek Food and Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend!

The girls had the opportunity to redeem their gold drachma's (good for one free kid's meal) at Daphne's Greek Cafe. They earned these precious coins for successfully completing the summer reading program at the Roseville Public Library!

Way to go girls!

We happily dined on family favorites-the pita bread and Tzatziki sauce are to die for!-and enjoyed the nice weather on the patio!

We laughed as a 3-year old kid from the next table
exclaimed in a loud whisper to his parents,

"Two adults and FIVE kids? That's impossible!"

Then later,

"But why? Why do they have so many?"

Believe me kid, I've asked myself that a time or two!

After dinner we cruised over to the mall to check out the newly opened "Tiffany's". I brushed all the kids up on their fancy store behavior (no running, hands clasped behind your back in the "browsing mode") , and it was all for naught! The store was closed! They even denied us the opportunity to window shop with sleek shades that hid the contents of the store. Oh well, we'll have to visit my diamonds another time!

Next we hit DSW Shoes in search of some sneakers for the kids. Little did I know that they don't carry kids shoes-this is strictly a mommy and daddy shoe store! Seriously, next time we have a date night I want to come here and do some serious shoe shopping! I can't wait!

Do you like Samuel's pick?

This is what we look like after a trip to the water fountain.
Seriously, it's typical for any member of our family to come away soaked!

Why does visiting the Fountains and eating frozen yogurt never get old?

Is it one of those timeless traditions,
those simple pleasures
that keep us coming back for more?

Or maybe it's the company?


Most definitely it's the company!

Anyone "UP" for a movie?

We had the opportunity to attend the movie "UP" through SureWests' Summer Promotional event. They served beverages and donuts, and raffled off some great prizes too. Our family had a blast, and we even spotted some familiar faces including our neighbors and some families from the ward.

It was a really great way to spend the morning, even if I did cry like a baby during the movie!

Friday, August 14, 2009

I told myself I wouldn't do it again...

but it's back...

The Junk Drawer

What is it about this drawer,
this drawer that begins so innocently enough?
A place for your keys, your phone, a few pizza coupons
and then


Before you know it, event the kitchen sink is trying to heave it's way inside!

I've tried,
I've tried to clean it out.

But it's no use.

The junk comes back,
seemingly bigger and better than before.

So I need to make peace with it...
and move on.

It's a part of our family.

A part of our home.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Necessity is the Mother of Invention...right, Barbie?

It was one of those days where the kids flop around listlessly exclaiming, "There's nothing to dooooo....". Usually I nip that in the bud by suggesting some chores they can help me out with, but before I could think up a few, Isabella piped up with a better idea and suggested I teach her how to sew.

So out came my sewing box, some felt scraps, and a naked barbie-who was in desperate need of some modest attire-and we got started.

She mastered stitching quite easily, and before you know it, that barbie had a snazzy new red dress!

Not to be outdone, Ava created a no-sew cropped jacket!

Iris also wanted to help, so she pitched in by creating a nifty blue headband.

Great job girls!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My favorite commercial...

I remember watching this commercial with Samuel and we both just cracked up!

I hope you enjoy too,
and I look forward to seeing a favorite
of yours as well!

P.S. Thanks for suggesting this post Stacey!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Go River Cats! Grrrowwwwwl!

This year we purchased the River Cats Family Pack which includes tickets to a game (lawn seating), hot dogs, chips, sodas, ice cream bars, AND tickets to the Sacramento Zoo and Fairy Tale Town.

Talk about a steal at $14-a-pop!

We had a great spot on the lawn and only had to wait about 20 minutes or so before the sun went down.

Gabriel loved wiggling around on his soft blanket.
He loves being outdoors!

At this point in the game I was ready for things to wrap up! I'm not a baseball fan-or much of a sports fan in general! I like to think that I appreciate the "experience" more than anything else-as long as the "experience" is, say, fifteen minutes or so!

Yes, sometimes I have the attention span of a gnat!
Is that where my kids get it from?

Iris and Owen weren't down on the grass seating and preferred to sit on Daddy's lap instead.

Thank goodness I had my camera.
Whenever I became antsy I turned the lens on my babies!

Isabella and Ava were so jazzed for the game. They insisted that they wear baseball caps because, as they informed me, "that's what you doooo at a baseball game"!

Excuse me.
The River Cat himself!

Owen was apprehensive about seeing this fella up close. Throughout the game we would hear the River Cat growl loudly over the speakers when the team would score a run and it always made Owen jump! I had to convince him that the cat wouldn't eat him.

He didn't buy it though and stayed far away!

Nothing like a true ball park dog!

My favorite part of the game was listening to the music clips they play. Ava surprised me by getting up every single time to show off her dance moves in front of everyone! The child has no shame, or fear, and she rocked out like a mad woman!

How do you cap off a perfect night?

With a spectacular firework show!

Go River Cats!

My funny little man...

Owen is such a funny little man.

I say little man because that is just what he is:
A little man!

Doesn't that boggle your mind?
It does mine.

I can hardly believe this fireball of energy and attitude is one day going to tower over his mama-no large feat considering I'm only 4' 11"-but still, tower he will, and he will come to me not to tie his cape on or to put ballet slippers on his little feet (at least I hope not!), but to ask if he can borrow the car or stay out a little later than curfew (and if you're wondering dear, the answer is NO! :).

Here he is completely transfixed with the swim towel his Grandma Clista gave him for his birthday. He insists we spread it out nice and smooth so he can stand and point at it while saying in an awe-inspired whisper, "Batman!"

I love you Owen!

Thank you for filling my day with
and yes,