Saturday, May 29, 2010

Crazy-delicious Homemade Sushi

So, it's no newsflash that I love to eat. 

And basically, it's so bad that I'm just like the person who gets distracted by something shiny.

If I see, hear, or read about it...
I want it!  

And unfortunatley,
the condition worsens the later it gets.

So once more, it's 9:40 at night and I think:

We can totally make sushi.


So I get to work (I say work but it's really "play")
preparing the rice and shrimp,
while Samual handles all the veggies,


Sure, they were huge. 

But boy, were they good!

There was even some leftover that had "Olivia's lunch"
written all over it!

So get off the couch and make something!

And then eat...

and get back on the couch!


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